The Goddard School of Geist is a warm and nurturing space where extraordinary awaits your child each and every day.
The staff are excellent. My child is learning several languages and quickly learning to write his name as well as other letters.
Everyone is well educated and very respectful. I love how I am greeted everyday in and out! I love the way all the teachers give my son the time and attention he needs! I love that he is learning so much and is remembering everything. Lawrence GODDARD is the best school ever! I wish they went past pre-k!
I feel there is a good balance of learning and playing. That worried me at first, but I know now that the kids are having a blast.
Really enjoy the staff. It's exciting to see their excitement when our son continues to progress. It really shows they are invested in our child's welfare and continued progress.
We nurture your child’s unique potential by encouraging their natural curiosity so they’re prepared to confidently take on the world.
Every member of the Goddard faculty has special, often extraordinary, gifts they share with their students. When a child comes home happy and can't wait to see their teacher the next day, tell us about it. Take this moment to celebrate your child's teachers!