The Goddard School of Lexington

School Address: 332 Concord Avenue
, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421
School Phone Number: 781-430-8333 , School Hours: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Welcome to Our School

The Goddard School of Lexington is a warm and nurturing space where extraordinary awaits your child each and every day.

  • Our School

    Welcome! We’re committed to your child’s health, safety and education, which is why we provide children with safe and healthy learning environments at our School.

    Learn More
  • Simple icon of a teacher reading a book.


    Education becomes extraordinary when teachers like you help little learners achieve big goals! If you want to make a difference in the lives of young children in a supportive, engaging environment, apply today!

    Join Our Team
  • Simple drawing of a colorful playground structure on an orange, circular background.

    Features for Fun

    Fun learning experiences happen in places beyond the classroom. That’s why our School has developed additional, exciting spaces where your little one can grow and discover.

    Explore Our Features
  • A simple drawing of teacher reading an open blue book on an orange circular background.


    Our teachers blend the highest standards in early childhood education and development with nurturing care.

    Meet Our Teachers

Something Fun Is Always Happening at Goddard!

Upcoming Events

  • March 28 Parents Night Out/Pajama Day
  • March 28 Big Joe 9 - 11:30 AM
  • March 31 Art with Anna 9 - 11:30 AM
  • April 1 April Fool's Day!
View Event Calendar
Children looking at a butterfly

Find Their Extraordinary

We nurture your child’s unique potential by encouraging their natural curiosity so they’re prepared to confidently take on the world.

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A teacher helping a child make art patterns on paper out of green funnels dipped in paint.

What Teachers Mean to Me

Every member of the Goddard faculty has special, often extraordinary, gifts they share with their students. When a child comes home happy and can't wait to see their teacher the next day, tell us about it. Take this moment to celebrate your child's teachers!

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We work tirelessly to ensure children thrive in a healthy, safe and warm environment. Within this secure and nurturing environment, children can discover their unique gifts.