The Goddard School of Henderson
School Address:
2680 Pecos Ridge Parkway
, Henderson, Nevada 89052
School Phone Number: 702-566-0255 , School Hours: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
, Henderson, Nevada 89052
School Phone Number: 702-566-0255 , School Hours: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Welcome to Our School
The Goddard School of Henderson is a warm and nurturing space where extraordinary awaits your child each and every day.
Something Fun Is Always Happening at Goddard!
Upcoming Events
March 28 Spirit Day
March 31 Weekly Enrichment- Chess
April 4 Spirit Day
April 7 Weekly Enrichment- Sign Language
Your Child’s Education
The F.L.EX.® Learning framework is designed to provide a well-rounded learning experience in a safe, nurturing environment to help prepare children for school, careers and life.
Health and Safety
We work tirelessly to ensure your child thrives in a healthy, safe and warm environment. Within this secure and nurturing environment, your child is free to learn and discover their unique gifts.
- Safe & Nurturing
- Social & Emotional Skills
- Education