Playing games is a fun way for children to remember important safety rules. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Watch out for the bubbles
Blow bubbles a couple feet off the ground and have your children try to crawl under them without letting the bubbles touch them. This mimics carefully leaving a smoke-filled room — children’s faces should never be more than two feet away from the ground.
Stop, drop and roll
Show your children how to stop, drop and roll. Then have them practice. You could turn it into a fun competition — who can stop, drop and roll the fastest, who can roll the farthest?
Fire escape obstacle course
Pretend there’s a fire in one room and help your children figure out how to safely escape. Place down pieces of paper where your children can (or can’t) step, tape string across the hallway that they must crawl under (and not touch) or set up a blanket tunnel (drape blankets over chairs) that they can crawl through. Switch to different rooms in the house and change up the obstacles to help them think creatively about their escape route.