The Bridge Classroom

2.5 - 3.5 years old

Children in the Bridge classroom are strengthening their self-care skills, growing in their independence and enhancing the skills they need to be successful in a preschool classroom.

The Bridge classroom is a purposeful year of preschool prep designed for children with birthdays later in the year or children who may need more time to strengthen self-care skills or social-emotional development. In this classroom, our Wonder of Learning education program supports children's independence as they continue to build skills necessary for handwriting and drawing with increased intentionality, learn foundational math concepts and build strong vocabularies.

A teacher reading a book to children who are finger painting at a table

Bridge classroom milestones

Skills children learn in the Bridge classroom:

List bullet icon Follow multi-step directions
List bullet icon Count in order from one to 20
List bullet icon Identify their name and attempt to write it
List bullet icon Select preferred books and use the pictures to tell the story sequentially
List bullet icon Demonstrate persistence and adjust their approach based on experience
List bullet icon Use the toilet and engage in other self-care routines with assistance
List bullet icon ...and so much more!

I am so thrilled at not only the amazing teachers I have met thus far but am so excited Goddard offers services like eye screening for young children.

Child-Led, Teacher-Guided Learning

At The Goddard School, teachers create enriching, supportive environments that provide your two- to three-year-old child with all that they need to grow, learn and prepare them for success in school. In every classroom, books come to life as a tool to gain information, learn about new topics and understand emotions.

Children cutting stars out of paper as their teacher looks on

Discover the Wonder of Learning

Take the next step and schedule a tour at your local Goddard School. Experience first-hand the Wonder of Learning in its most natural way—through play and exploration!

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  • A simple drawing of teacher reading an open blue book on an orange circular background.

    Exceptional Educators

    Our teachers work with your child to create fun learning experiences that foster well-rounded development in a safe, caring environment.

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  • Innovative Education Program

    Our proprietary early childhood education program is designed to embrace how children learn best, through curiosity.

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