Manners Matter

Three boys standing together two smiling and one making a funny face

When it comes to good manners, one could argue that it takes more than just saying “please” and “thank you” to be looked on as a respectful and courteous individual. 

It’s important that children learn, at an early age, the principles of good manners and how to show respect and kindness toward relatives, friends and even strangers. World Kindness Week, celebrated in November, and the upcoming holiday season offer a perfect opportunity for families to begin teaching their children good manners and how to be respectful and kind toward others. 

Here are some of the skills that are simple to teach in and out of the classroom: 

  • Polite greetings, such as saying “hello” and “goodbye,” using a person’s name in their greeting, shaking hands and answering in a clear voice. 
  • Getting along with others, by playing fair, being patient, being helpful, being generous and respecting privacy. 
  • Table manner skills, taught by showing children what to do before they eat, while they eat and after their meal. 
  • Telephone manner skills, such as speaking up so they can be heard, answering the phone with courtesy and hanging up using their goodbye manner words. 
  • Everyday manner skills, including being quiet in a library, holding the door open for someone behind you and covering one’s mouth when coughing, yawning or sneezing. 

It’s important to teach children that having good manners is important because everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. It’s a part of the foundation of learning that they will use the rest of their lives. 

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