Five Ways Grandparents Can Stay Connected and Enrich Children’s Lives

by Lee Scott, Goddard School Educational Advisory Board Member
Adorable toddler with his grandfather relaxing at home reading a book together

It is easier than ever for families who live in different parts of the country, or the world for that matter, to stay connected. Young children often turn shy or silent when asked to come to the phone to say hello or smile on camera during a video visit. This is usually because children aren’t prepared for the interaction and are taken away from something they were doing. So how do we make these connections meaningful for young children beyond the "Hi, Grandma" call?

We all want to make these special times more meaningful since they are beneficial to young children. Grandparents and other family members can be great role models and influences, and they provide a sense of cultural heritage and family history. Interestingly, recent studies have shown that the relationship between the grandparent and the child is second in emotional importance only to the parent-child bond.

We have compiled the following tips to help your little ones feel more connected no matter how far away their grandparents are:

  1. Have a regular call time, and prepare your children for the call leading up to it. Remind them throughout the day that it’s almost time to call.
  2. Plan a special activity they can do during the virtual visit, such as sharing a book and reading together or making something together (for example, each person draws their favorite animal and then shares it on the call).
  3. Hold a show-and-tell. You and your children can prepare a show-and-tell about something that happened that day or week with photos or artwork.
  4. Plan what they will do on the next visit together, and mark it on a calendar.
  5. With very young children, such as toddlers, play pat-a-cake or sing.

Of course, while these are tips for virtual visits, they work in face-to-face meetings as well. Have fun creating new memories, and have another phone ready to capture it all!

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