Baby Milestones by Month

Small child smiling in a classroom

During your baby’s first twelve months, they learn and grow at a rapid pace. As they develop, they start to hit important milestones like bringing their hands to their mouth, rolling over and sitting unassisted. Something important to keep in mind is that every baby will develop at their own pace. While there is no one-size-fits-all milestone checklist, knowing what to generally expect during your baby’s first year helps you track their development. 

Understanding the Key Baby Milestones in the First Year

Babies achieve a wide array of milestones during their first year. By the time they turn one, babies are smiling, laughing and playing. They learn to roll over, sit up, crawl and stand; some babies even begin to walk before their first birthday. During the first year of life, babies develop many gross motor skills, begin to babble or say their first words and learn to socialize with others.

Month-by-Month Guide: Tracking Your Baby’s Development Milestones

The first year of a baby’s life goes by quickly. Making a point to observe infant milestones by month will help you ensure that your baby’s development is on track.

Month 1: The Newborn Phase and Early Sensory Development
During the first month of life, babies are developing their senses while they adjust to the world around them. One-month-old milestones include: 

  • Recognizing faces, smells and voices.
  • Raising hands to their face or mouth.
  • Alerting to sounds.
  • Seeing bold patterns, particularly in black and white.

Month 2: Increasing Awareness and Social Smiles
Two-month-old milestones include:

  • Smiling at people.
  • Cooing and making sounds (other than crying).
  • Following an object with their eyes.
  • Turning head toward sounds and voices.

Month 3: Developing Motor Skills and Recognizing Familiar Faces
At three months, a baby is considered an infant, no longer a newborn. Three-month-old milestones include:

  • Reaching or swiping for objects.
  • Lifting head and chest during tummy time.
  • Opening and shutting hands.
  • Recognizing and watching familiar faces.

Month 4: Rolling Over and Exploring the Environment
By four months, babies are becoming more curious and eager to learn about the world around them. Four-month-old milestones include:

  • Rolling over.
  • Recognizing objects.
  • Pushing up on elbows throughout tummy time.
  • Imitating facial expressions or sounds.

Month 5: Sitting Up and Beginning to Babble
At five months old, babies are getting much stronger and their skills begin to build on one another. Five-month-old milestones include:

  • Babbling, giggling or chuckling.
  • Entertaining themselves in short bursts.
  • Sitting up with support from pillows.
  • Beginning to understand cause and effect.

Month 6: Crawling, Responding to Name and Trying Solid Foods
Some of the biggest milestones happen as your baby approaches six months. Six-month-old milestones include:

  • Responding to their name.
  • Learning about objects using their mouth.
  • Watching their reflection in the mirror.
  • Trying solid food for the first time.

Month 7: Standing with Support and Improved Hand-Eye Coordination
At seven months, babies are more curious than ever when it comes to objects and the world around them. Seven-month-old milestones include:

  • Supporting their own weight with assistance while standing.
  • Reaching with one hand.
  • Sitting without support.
  • Understanding some words, like “yes” and “no.”

Month 8: Crawling and Cruising Along Furniture
Babies become increasingly more mobile with each passing month starting around the eigh months. Eight-month-old milestones include:

  • Crawling and cruising along furniture.
  • Pulling themselves up to stand.
  • Becoming attached to certain toys.
  • Grasping for smaller objects.

Month 9: Walking with Assistance and Understanding Simple Instructions
At nine months, babies are slowly getting closer to talking. Nine-month-old milestones include:

  • Making a variety of sounds.
  • Clinging to familiar people.
  • Walking with assistance.
  • Understanding simple instructions.

Month 10: First Words and Gesturing
By ten months, it’s only a matter of time before babies start walking. Ten-month-old milestones include:

  • Pointing and gesturing.
  • Pulling themselves up to stand.
  • Copying speech patterns.
  • Banging or throwing toys.

Month 11: Standing Independently and Exploring Objects
By eleven months babies are typically more curious than ever to explore. Eleven-month-old milestones include:

  • Crawling up the stairs.
  • Using gestures to communicate.
  • Looking at objects when named.
  • Standing independently.

Month 12: First Steps and Developing Independence
At twelve months old your baby is no longer a baby! They’re officially considered a toddler. Twelve-month-old milestones include:

  • Taking their first steps.
  • Becoming more independent.
  • Expressing a preference for specific people or toys.
  • Saying single words.

No two children are alike, which means their milestone journeys will look different. Try not to worry too much if your child doesn’t hit every single one immediately. Keep track of the milestones they are hitting and if you are concerned, speak to your child’s pediatrician. 

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